What is a Vision Board & How to Make One That Works

A lot can happen in a year. 
  • What is a Vision Board?
  • How to Make a Vision Board
  • The Purpose and Power of Vision Boards
  • Tips for using Vision Boards
  • My own Vision Board + Goals

Here is a little confession: I did not make a vision board at the beginning of 2021 because after 2020 it seemed like all my goals just went out the window and I just focused on getting by and surviving each day. The stress of online law school, coupled with the anxiety of being in a freaking pandemic, resulted in a tough year.

A few weeks ago, I was browsing Pinterest and decided that it was time to make a vision board because I would be starting my last year in law school soon. I wanted something to inspire and remind me of my goals and aspirations.

What is a Vision Board?

It is a visualization tool composed of a collage of images, pictures, and quotes that represent the person's goals, dreams, and aspirations. 

Just like how affirmations bring us into a positive and motivated mindset, vision boards help us make that mindset greater. It allows us to visualize and feel what we want to achieve in our lives.

How to Make a Vision Board

The first step in creating a vision board is to envision your goals, your dream life, and the best version of yourself. Think of the physical objects that represent what you want in life. Here are a few ideas:

- If you want to travel in the future, add pictures of all the places you want to visit or of airplanes or beaches.
- If you want to find love, include pictures that show your ideal partner and the relationship you want to have.
- If you want to get your dream job, have pictures showing how your life would be if you had your dream job right now.
- If you want to get fit, include some quotes and images of healthy habits to include in your life.

There are no limits to what you can have on your vision board. It is your vision board, with all your dreams and goals, so put all the things that you want and wish for in life.

Types of Vision Boards

You can make a physical or digital vision board. 

How to Make a Vision Board

Physical Vision Board

To make a physical one, you will need these supplies:

-Old magazines
-Pinterest/the internet
-Decorative Tape or stickers

Making your own vision board is a really fun activity. 
  1. Gather a bunch of magazines and cut up the images and quotes that inspire and speak to you. Pick out pictures that show your goals and dreams. Find quotes that put you in a good mood and inspire you.
  2. Go on Pinterest or search to search for pictures and quotes. Print them out.
  3. Grab your board and arrange all your cut-outs in a collage. 
  4. When you are happy with the way it looks, it's time to glue everything down.
  5. Display your vision board somewhere you can see it every day.

Digital Vision Board

You will need:
- Internet connection
- Photo editing App/Collage Maker (Try Canva!)

The steps to creating a vision board that is digital are quite easy.
  1. Go on Pinterest or Google and search for all the images and quotes that you want to include on your vision board. 
  2. Save these images on your computer or phone and using a collage maker or photo editing app, arrange and edit them the way you want.
  3. Save your new artwork/vision board.
  4. Set it as your wallpaper on your laptop or phone.
Ta-da! You have your own beautiful vision board.

The Purpose and Power of Vision Boards

Visualizing what we want is important. It is not enough if we write down and imagine our goals. We actually have to see them and visualize them and experience them or how they would make us feel as if they were in our lives. By seeing your vision board, your mind is guided to see your goals and dreams and to focus and move towards them.

The purpose of having a vision board is to increase and encourage the feelings we will have when we finally achieve all the things we included on our board. By reinforcing positive feelings, we remind ourselves that this is what we want and that we have to work for all the things that we desire in life. 

In the Science of Visualization, guided imagery is used in therapy to teach the patient how to replace painful images, like distressing memories, negative thoughts, or worries about the future, with images that calm, comfort, encourage, and empower.

Tips to Make Vision Board Work

1. Keep it in sight. 

Is it crazy to think that we forget about our dreams and goals in life? 

We are surrounded by so much noise, drama, or stress on social media, at work, at school, at home, or from our own thoughts. It is easy to lose track of what we want to be because the world keeps telling us to move, move, move! Before we know it, years have passed and those hopes and dreams are still on the back burner.

Keep your vision board in your room or office in a spot where you can see it throughout the day. For a digital vision board, set it as your wallpaper on your digital devices; your phone, tablet, laptop, and desktop computer.

By seeing your vision board and what is on it, you are reminded daily of your dreams and goals. This will give you motivation and 

2. Make it personal. 

The jobs, life, and ideals of someone that you admire (or envy) do not need to and should not be your own dreams and goals. You must take your own path to success and happiness. Choose dreams because you want them, not because you are trying to be better than or copy others.

3. Change it as you change. 

Everything around us is constantly changing. Even ourselves and our ideals, personalities, dreams, and aspirations, grow and change as we are exposed to different and new experiences, people, and lifestyles. 

It is okay if we choose to change or stop chasing one of our dreams. If we realize that the dream we once had no longer gives us joy or we have lost passion for it, there is no harm in removing it from our vision board. What would be the point in visualizing something we no longer want in our lives?

4. Include short and long-term goals. 

There is no shame or judgment in having goals and dreams on your board that take different periods to accomplish. It is also alright to have the same goal on your next vision board if you have not accomplished it within the time period you thought you would. Don't let dreams die.

5. Keep it private. 

Keep your dreams, goals, and plans private. Achieve and succeed in silence. 

My Vision Board

A vision board is personal to the person. I won't be sharing each and every goal or dream on my vision board. I will only be listing the big ones that I am willing to share (Tip No. 5). My Goals/Dreams:

1. Pass and graduate from law school.
2. Plan better and stay organized.
3. Celebrate the next amazing chapter in my life.
4. Drink aesthetically pleasing coffee. Duh!

Most of the images on my vision board have to do with law school and my career because I am going into my last year, so I felt that it was important to put those on there to remind me to study and prepare for everything that is coming my way. 

I hope you decide to make your own vision board and at the end of the year, you can look at it again and realize that you achieved so much. Remember, you will get to where you want to be with hard work and dedication.

Stay inspired!

x Bella

Photo Credits: Pexels.com

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