How I practice Selfcare as a Law Student

Hello there friends!

It has been the longest time since my last post. We have law school to blame for that because everyday has been a grind-- endless readings and daily recitations. I am ultimately sleep deprived and caffeine-fueled. I am not complaining. Okay, I am! I knew that the journey to becoming a lawyer would not be easy. But I am tired. All the time!

However, today is different and I feel good, like I finally had time to breathe. I decided to get on here and finish writing and publish at least one post and seeing this topic in my drafts seemed very fitting in today's life. So, here we go-- the activities that keep me happy and sane in the midst of the stress and pressures of law school.

Photo by Meruyert Gonullu from Pexels

Skincare Routine

Morning and evening skincare routine. It's those 10-20 minutes of pampering and loving my skin that makes me know I still have a handle on my life. I always tell myself that skincare is selfcare because knowing that I am giving my skin the TLC it needs makes me happy and grateful. I grew up with okay skin and as I got older, I realized how I didn't bother with even washing my face. Like, who was I? How did I survive?

Now I am wiser and on the way to glowing skin :)


Working out and moving has amazing benefits. It keeps the body, mind, soul and energy happy and healthy. I know that life happens and when you're tired and overworked, the last thing you want to do is workout and sweat but remember, it doesn't have to be intense. Even just talking a walk or riding your bike around the block will already get your heart pumping and give you that great accomplished feeling. Enjoy the fresh air, sunlight and be happy in the moment.

This is what I do: I set a timer for 15-20 minutes and just walk around our living room, sometimes with a Netflix show on TV, so I am entertained throughout the "work out".

Photo by Meruyert Gonullu from Pexels

Naps (lots of them)

Coffee is a necessity and sleep is a luxury for law students. When you are tired, rest. You can get nothing done if you are unfocused, tired and burnt out. Take care of your vessel, nourish your mind and refresh your energy with a N.A.P.


I really needed a creative outlet to express my feelings, realizations and passions. So, I have this blog to share my stories and experiences and rave about my passions and I also keep a journal where I write about all the things that happen in life and the feelings that come with it.

Photo by Hailey Galloway from Pexels

Casual Reading 

Law school is composed of 80% reading (maybe even more). There is a ton to read, understand and memorize; from case law, legal articles, and the law itself. You will get tired of it all and get headaches and eyesore, but that is law school for you. 

When I get the chance, I "casually" read my law books. What I mean by this is that I read without the pressure. I don't think about the 60 cases I need to finish or the fact that I have 5 chapters to finish. It sounds counter-intuitive, but if are well-organized and get free time but want to use the time productively, do this. It's like reading Harry Potter with just a tad bit less magic.

Watching shows and movies that make me laugh. Laughter is the best medicine.

When you deserve a break and have time to spend, pick a show/movie that will make you feel good or inspire you. Tip: Watch an episode, not the entire season. Everything in moderation, my friend.


The best thing I can do for myself and to alleviate my anxiety is to prepare myself. When I plan and set my study schedule, I allow myself to be in control. I give myself the power to create the life I want. It sounds so simple and silly but there's just something amazing about planning your month and week. It's like creating your battle plan. You won't let yourself be engulfed by the enemy. You need to be prepared.

x Bella

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